The Girls

The Girls
Sara hugging Julianne

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Blog Begins

Everyone tells me to Blog. As most of you know, I am the mother of twin girls, who happen to be 2 years old. We always have adventures and interesting events occur to us. Actually, since Greg and I have met in 1997 it's been a crazy wild ride. Now we've been married 10 years and it just gets crazier and crazier each day since the girls arrived. Although, at the end of the day, I look over at him, snoring away and I smile. At least we are going through it all together and I love him more each day, especially for hanging around during all the daily drama.
Let's get back to this whole reason to blog. My girls, Julianne and Sara are fraternal twin blonde and one dark hair. Polar friend Michelle's say they like watching a psycho- science experiment. Very true in my household. I'd like to keep a record of our daily events as they occur for them to maybe one day look back on and hopefully...LAUGH!
Today, I proclaim that the blog begins for the Lushbaugh Family!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you started blogging on Mother's Day. Appropriate, you think?
